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KMID : 0359019830030010010
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1983 Volume.3 No. 1 p.10 ~ p.16
Diagnostic Accuracy in Endoscopic Gastric Biopsy - Part 1. Analysis of preoperative gastric biopsies in 236 cases with neoplastic lesions based on gastretomy and histotopographic investigation
±è¿ëÀÏ/Kim YI
±è¿ìÈ£/Kim WH
Two hundreds and forty six preoperative endoseopic gastric biopsies from 236 conaecutive cases were subjected to the retrospective analyais of diagnostic accuracy among 597 tumor- bearing gastrectomy specimens confirmed by extended histotopographic investigations during a period of 1980 to 1981 at Seoul National University Hospital. The overall diagnostic accuracy of endoscopic gastric biopsy was 93.1% with 0.8% false positivity and 3.5% of false negative caaes; of those, the concordance rate of preoperative biopsy diagnosis based on the histotopographic investigation of the gastrectomy remained in 85.5%, whereas 75% of diagnostic discrepancy wae reaulted from inappropriate biopsy sampling or failure of neoplastic tissue obtainability; and the rest of 25% was mostly false negative cases.
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